I Want My Own Brain 

When you've cracked up like Aunt Helen, what you need is a weekend with an irrepressible child like Stephanie Falls. She'll remind you of what it means to be truly alive. Stephanie makes a monkey of everyone, including her doting grandparents, but her joy for life unburdens the troubled mind of her aunt. A funny, original tribute to the importance of finding the child inside us all.

Published date
: Apr 27, 2019
: -
: 39


MARC Information
050 a : a - Classification number 
100 a : Author 
245 a : Title 
I Want My Own Brain 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
When you've cracked up like Aunt Helen, what you need is a weekend with an irrepressible child like Stephanie Falls. She'll remind you of what it means to be truly alive. Stephanie makes a monkey of everyone, including her doting grandparents, but her joy for life unburdens the troubled mind of her aunt. A funny, original tribute to the importance of finding the child inside us all. 
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