Interior Finishes and Fittings for Historic Building Conservation 

nterior Finishes & Fittings for Historic Building Conservation complements Materials & Skills for Historic Building Conservation, combining the history and application of each material with current knowledge of maintenance and conservation techniques. Of direct practical application in the field, it takes the reader through the process of conserving historic interior finishes, covering everything from decorative plasterwork, joinery and paint colour; to chimneypieces, lighting and fire safety management.

Published date
: Jul 01, 2017
: Asiabook
: 232

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050 a : a - Classification number 
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245 a : Title 
Interior Finishes and Fittings for Historic Building Conservation 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
nterior Finishes & Fittings for Historic Building Conservation complements Materials & Skills for Historic Building Conservation, combining the history and application of each material with current knowledge of maintenance and conservation techniques. Of direct practical application in the field, it takes the reader through the process of conserving historic interior finishes, covering everything from decorative plasterwork, joinery and paint colour; to chimneypieces, lighting and fire safety management. 
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