Future Trends in Microelectronics: Up the Nano Creek 

In this book leading profesionals in the semiconductor microelectronics field discuss the future evolution of their profession. The following are some of the questions discussed: Does CMOS technology have a real problem? Do transistors have to be smaller or just better and made of better materials? What is to come after semiconductors? Superconductors or molecular conductors? Is bottom-up self-assembling the answer to the limitation of top-down lithography? Is it time for Optics to become a force in computer evolution? Quantum Computing, Spintronics? Where is the printable plastic electronics proposed 10 years ago? Are carbon nanotube transistors the CMOS of the future?

Published date
: Jul 01, 2017
: Asiabook
: 459

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050 a : a - Classification number 
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Future Trends in Microelectronics: Up the Nano Creek 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
In this book leading profesionals in the semiconductor microelectronics field discuss the future evolution of their profession. The following are some of the questions discussed: Does CMOS technology have a real problem? Do transistors have to be smaller or just better and made of better materials? What is to come after semiconductors? Superconductors or molecular conductors? Is bottom-up self-assembling the answer to the limitation of top-down lithography? Is it time for Optics to become a force in computer evolution? Quantum Computing, Spintronics? Where is the printable plastic electronics proposed 10 years ago? Are carbon nanotube transistors the CMOS of the future? 
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