XFEM Fracture Analysis of Composites 

This book describes the basics and developments of the new XFEM approach to fracture analysis of composite structures and materials. It provides state of the art techniques and algorithms for fracture analysis of structures including numeric examples at the end of each chapter as well as an accompanying website which will include MATLAB resources, executables, data files, and simulation procedures of XFEM.

Published date
: Jul 08, 2017
: Asiabook
: 330

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050 a : a - Classification number 
100 a : Author 
245 a : Title 
XFEM Fracture Analysis of Composites 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
This book describes the basics and developments of the new XFEM approach to fracture analysis of composite structures and materials. It provides state of the art techniques and algorithms for fracture analysis of structures including numeric examples at the end of each chapter as well as an accompanying website which will include MATLAB resources, executables, data files, and simulation procedures of XFEM. 
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