Open Innovation: New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA 

The goal of this book is to gather a collection of Open Innovation tools and package them in a way that is digestible and actionable by thoughtful practitioners. Some of the tools and practices to be covered include: 1) Product Platforming - This approach involves developing and introducing a partially completed product, for the purpose of providing a framework or toolkit for contributors to access, customize, and exploit. 2) Idea Competitions - This model entails implementing a system that encourages competitiveness among contributors by rewarding successful submissions. 3) Customer Immersion - While mostly oriented towards the end of the product development cycle, this technique involves extensive customer interaction through employees of the host organization. 4)Collaborative Product Design and Development - Similar to product platforming, an organization incorporates their contributors into the development of the product. 5) Innovation Networks - Similarly to idea competitions, a firm leverages a network of contributors in the design process by offering a reward in the form of an incentive, and many others.

Published date
: Oct 04, 2017
: John wiley & sons,Inc
: 386

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050 a : a - Classification number 
245 a : Title 
Open Innovation: New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA 
300 a : Total pages 
520 a : Description 
The goal of this book is to gather a collection of Open Innovation tools and package them in a way that is digestible and actionable by thoughtful practitioners. Some of the tools and practices to be covered include: 1) Product Platforming - This approach involves developing and introducing a partially completed product, for the purpose of providing a framework or toolkit for contributors to access, customize, and exploit. 2) Idea Competitions - This model entails implementing a system that encourages competitiveness among contributors by rewarding successful submissions. 3) Customer Immersion - While mostly oriented towards the end of the product development cycle, this technique involves extensive customer interaction through employees of the host organization. 4)Collaborative Product Design and Development - Similar to product platforming, an organization incorporates their contributors into the development of the product. 5) Innovation Networks - Similarly to idea competitions, a firm leverages a network of contributors in the design process by offering a reward in the form of an incentive, and many others. 
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