Author : Claudia L. Johnson , Clara Tuite
Publishing Date : Jul 27, 2017
Reflecting the dynamic and expansive nature of Austen studies, A Companion to Jane Austen provides 42 essays from a distinguished team of literary scholars that examine the full breadth of the English novelist's works and career.
Provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date array of Austen scholarship
Functions both as a scholarly reference and as a survey of the most innovative speculative developments in the field of Austen studies
Engages at length with changing contexts and cultures of reception from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries

Author : Sharon L. James , Sheila Dillon
Publishing Date : Jul 27, 2017
Selected by Choice as a 2012 Outstanding Academic Title
Awarded a 2012 PROSE Honorable Mention as a Single Volume Reference/Humanities & Social Sciences
A Companion to Women in the Ancient World presents an interdisciplinary, methodologically-based collection of newly-commissioned essays from prominent scholars on the study of women in the ancient world.
The first interdisciplinary, methodologically-based collection of readings to address the study of women in the ancient world
Explores a broad range of topics relating to women in antiquity, including: Mother-Goddess Theory; Women in Homer, Pre-Roman Italy, the Near East; Women and the Family, the State, and Religion; Dress and Adornment; Female Patronage; Hellenistic Queens; Imperial Women; Women in Late Antiquity; Early Women Saints; and many more
Thematically arranged to emphasize the importance of historical themes of continuity, development, and innovation
Reconsiders much of the well-known evidence and preconceived notions relating to women in antiquity
Includes contributions from many of the most prominent scholars associated with the study of women in antiquity

Author : James Eli Adams
Publishing Date : Jul 27, 2017
Incorporating a broad range of contemporary scholarship, A History of Victorian Literature presents an overview of the literature produced in Great Britain between 1830 and 1900, with fresh consideration of both major figures and some of the era's less familiar authors. Part of the Blackwell Histories of Literature series, the book describes the development of the Victorian literary movement and places it within its cultural, social and political context.
A wide-ranging narrative overview of literature in Great Britain between 1830 and 1900, capturing the extraordinary variety of literary output produced during this era
Analyzes the development of all literary forms during this period - the novel, poetry, drama, autobiography and critical prose - in conjunction with major developments in social and intellectual history
Considers the ways in which writers engaged with new forms of social responsibility in their work, as Britain transformed into the world's first industrial economy
Offers a fresh perspective on the work of both major figures and some of the era’s less familiar authors
Winner of a Choice Outstanding Academic Title award, 2009

Author : David Punter
Publishing Date : Jul 27, 2017
The thoroughly expanded and updated New Companion to the Gothic, provides a series of stimulating insights into Gothic writing, its history and genealogy. The addition of 12 new essays and a section on ‘Global Gothic’ reflects the direction Gothic criticism has taken over the last decade.
Many of the original essays have been revised to reflect current debates
Offers comprehensive coverage of criticism of the Gothic and of the various theoretical approaches it has inspired and spawned
Features important and original essays by leading scholars in the field
The editor is widely recognized as the founder of modern criticism of the Gothic

Author : Christopher Fowler
Publishing Date : Jul 27, 2017
Long regarded an anachronism and a thorn in the side of its superiors, the Peculiar Crimes Unit is to be disbanded. For octogenarian detectives Arthur Bryant and John May, it seems retirement is now the only option. But then a headless body is found in a freezer, and on the perimeter of a massive construction site near King's Cross, a gigantic figure has been spotted - dressed in deerskin and sporting antlers made of knives and suddenly, with limited resources and very little time, the PCU are back in business...

Author : Sophie Kinsella
Publishing Date : Jul 27, 2017
Nervous flyer Emma is sitting on a turbulent plane. She really thinks that this could be her last moment. So, naturally enough, she starts telling the man sitting next to her - quite a dishy American, but she's too frightened to notice - all her secrets. How she scans the backs of intellectual books and pretends she's read them. How she's not sure if she has a G-spot, and whether her boyfriend could find it anyway. How she feels like a fraud at work - everyone uses the word 'operational' all the time but she hasn't a clue what it means. How she once threw a troublesome client file in the bin. If ever there was a bare soul, it's hers.
She survives the flight, of course, and the next morning the famous founding boss of the whole mega corporation she works for is coming for a look at the UK branch. As he walks around, Emma looks up and realises...
It's the man from the plane.
What will he do with her secrets? He knows them all - but she doesn't know a single one of his. Or... does she?
Everyone loves Sophie Kinsella:
"I almost cried with laughter" Daily Mail
"Hilarious . . . you'll laugh and gasp on every page" Jenny Colgan
"Properly mood-altering . . . funny, fast and farcical. I loved it" Jojo Moyes
"A superb tale. Five stars!" Heat

Author : Åke Edwardson
Publishing Date : Jul 27, 2017
It's autumn in Gothenburg and an anxious mother calls the police: her little boy was lured into a car by a man offering sweets. The child is returned unharmed but then the same thing happens with a little girl, and then another. Each child attends a different nursery, and each parent contacts a different police station, so, at first, no connection is established and the reports are filed and then forgotten.
Meanwhile DCI Winter is investigating a series of random attacks on strangely uncooperative university students, but when a a four-year-old boy is abducted and found injured, the forgotten files resurface and a link between the stories becomes apparent. As Gothenburg prepares for Christmas, Winter is in a race against time to prevent a horrific catastrophe.

Author : Alexander Kent
Publishing Date : Jul 08, 2017
The tenth Richard Bolitho novel in Alexander Kent's spectacularly successful series deals with Bolitho's life as a young lieutenant aboard the Trojan, an eighty-gun ship of the line.
The year is 1777 when the revolution in America has erupted into a full-scale war. The navy's main task is to prevent military supplies from reaching Washington's armies and to destroy the fast-growing fleet of French and American privateers. As a junior officer Bolitho is often bewildered by swiftly changing events, but in a ship of the line, under a hard and determined captain, he has little opportunity for uncertainty. At a time of shortages and sudden death even a lieutenant can find himself faced with tasks and decisions more suitably given to officers of greater experience - and as the Trojan goes about her affairs the threat to Bolitho and his companions makes itself felt from New York to the Caribbean.

Author : Su Tong
Publishing Date : Jul 04, 2017
Set during the fall-out of the Cultural Revolution, these bizarre and delicate stories capture the collision of the old China of vanished dynasties, with communism and today's tiger economy. The mad woman on the bridge wears a historical gown which she refuses to take off. In the height of summer she stands madly on the bridge. Until a young female doctor, bewitched by the beauty of the mad woman's dress, plots to take it from her, with tragic consequences.